
MPS Proposition Comparison Series

Our MPS Proposition Comparison series is ideal for developing a deeper understanding of the discretionary managed portfolio services market in the UK.

Published annually – and supplemented with quarterly updates – each report offers a comprehensive picture of the competitive landscape. Features include quantified assets in discretionary MPS and proposition comparisons across leading providers with changes tracked over time.

An essential tool for strategic planning, market assessments, board reports and broader research purposes the MPS Proposition Comparison Reports are available for purchase.

MPS Proposition Comparison Series

MPS Asset Update 2024

Assets in discretionary model or managed portfolio services (MPS) experienced strong growth in the six months to the end of Q1 2024. Asset growth was aided by favourable market conditions and a continued shift in assets toward discretionary MPS driven by the Consumer Duty and continued price pressure. M&A activity has also continued in the financial advice sector presenting both opportunities and difficulties alike for providers of discretionary MPS.

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