
Discovery Series

Giving Credence to Cash

In this report, kindly supported by Insignis Cash Solutions and NS&I we explore adviser approaches to working with client cash holdings, report the size of the market for cash management and profile specialist cash management providers as well as the cash servicing arms of other institutions.

We think advisers are not giving cash as an asset class the full attention it merits. We believe cash forms a core part of wealth, and that holistic financial plans cannot be described as such if clients maintain substantial cash holdings outside their scope. A platform boss we spoke to believes that “most advisers have no idea what their clients have in their bank accounts”. That means missed opportunities for both the client and the adviser.

The report addresses the following questions on working with clients’ cash:

  1. Why should advisers care about cash?
  2. When does it make sense for advisers to bring in specialist cash management service providers?
  3. How do the options for clients’ cash holdings compare?
  4. Which client segments are best suited to a cash management service?
  5. How the specialist cash management providers compare?

We will be hosting a free webinar to explore our findings further, date is yet to be confirmed.

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