
Excel for cashflow planning

By Heather Hopkins | 26 October 2019 | 1 minute read

Excel is used for cash flow planning by about 7% of financial planners. I spoke to a financial planner last week who said she uses Excel spreadsheets to run cash flow planning.

“I’ve used all of the tools in the past, most recently Prestwood. But people’s eyes glaze over when you show them the report. I tend to stick with Excel spreadsheets and illustrate the results in a few charts and bullet points for the client. We need to get it straight in our heads first and then we can give the client the bullet points.

“If you have a plumbing problem, you ask a plumber. You don’t expect him to get the manual out and show you all of it.”

In our most recent survey, 7% of the 385 financial planners surveyed that do cash flow modelling use Excel spreadsheets.

What do you use in your business for cash flow modelling provider? Leave a review on our directory.



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